Transform Your Water Transform Your Life
Water is an essential part of our lives. The level of hydration we experience on a daily basis dramatically determines our level of concentration and endurance.
Experience the Power of Hydrogen Rich Water
Welcome to water4work
Discover the benefits of hydrogen rich water for your overall wellbeing.
Change your water - change your life!
Our high quality product is designed to provide you with the best possible water for a healthier lifestyle.
We can supply training and support as you make the transition to hydrogen rich drinking water.
We offer a maintenance solution that suits your needs.
Speak to us today for your implementation plan.
Revolutionise your lifestyle with Water
Hydrogen rich water is produced via electrolysis. We have partnered with Enagic who is the leader in Electrolysed Reduced Water (ERW). Enagic produces quality devices, which have the medical grade standard in Japan.
The high quality elements used to produce all of the Enagic devices is second to none. The power of ERW enhances your body and preserves the environment by reducing single use plastic bottles.
This product is designed to infuse the water with hydrogen which neutralises free radicals in your body and provides you with the ultimate wellness solution.
Hydrogen rich water consumed in adequate quantities, raises hydration, improves alertness, boosts energy levels, skin and overall health with every sip.
Join the hydrogen water revolution today!